Friday, December 23, 2011

Well, I got a new smart phone, the Galaxy by Samsung. This has to be the best phone I have ever had. It's so smooth to use, fast, fluid, and covers everything. Has almost everything to the point i will probably use my laptop less and less. A great GPS, netflix, web, two cameras, tons of apps.

So I snapped a picture of one of the many glass vases I made in the studio the other night and tried to send it from my phone. It worked, I can blog from my phone now so I hope to keep this up to date more.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Testing a post from my Droid.

Test blog


Ah, I see I have a follower, Janet from up north. Remember when I bumped into you at the Round barn with your sister Joanne? I recognized you two from reading your "northernbliss". Seems like I know all of you and Rejean from following your blogs. Hopefully we will be back at Grand Falls this summer and maybe look you up or bump into you down at the good fishing hole in the river.
PS, love the work Rejean is doing on the cabin. He has talent !

Long over due

Well, Guess it's been a while since I have visited my blog. Christmas fast approaching and the end of the year is near. Cleaned off my desk and the office ready to dive into a few new projects. I have three Electric Vehicle projects going at the moment, a hybrid truck, Electric vehicle charging stations and an electric truck. I am currently programming the Hybrid truck so that it knows when to take over the hydraulic controls and charge batteries when needed through the diesel. The shop is finally looking great and will have to put up some photos of the new heated concrete floor.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fishing trip in the works

Looks like I am heading to Lake Michigan in a couple of days for some King Salmon and Brown Trout. The reports have been favorable out of South Haven, Holland, Muskegon, and north fairly close to the shore. Wind reports look good so I'm hauling the boat north for a few relaxing days of fishing. Hopefully have some good pictures in a couple of days to post.