Monday, August 16, 2010

Hot Pepper time

So the garden has been very fruitful this year and it's time to start canning. I picked from a variety of peppers including Serrano, Jalapeno, Hungarian, Red Chili, Red Cherry and Tabasco. I made the mistake last week when we did Salsa to not wear gloves on only the Jalapeno, never again. My hands burned several hours afterward until I put cream on them.

Of course my wife had to do a little pepper humor.

And then we put it all on to cook with some other stuff in the pot and made some warm pepper relish which we love to put on a sandwich, meatloaf or use it in cooking. We ended up canning a double batch of this and of salsa the same day. Yesterday we did about a bushel of tomatoes into canned tomatoes. Later in the week we can peaches, tomato soup, tomato juice and maybe more beets. I will put a picture up of what we canned so far another time. We also froze blueberries, blackberries, red and black raspberries from the garden for my daughter to make pies this fall.

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