Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pasta Sauce

We still have tomatoes and Peppers left in the garden and ended up making some roasted garlic and pepper pasta sauce the other night. The peppers are coated with oil, roasted and the skins peeled. The Garlic has the bottom of the bud cut off and drizzed with oil and roasted. We add tomatoes, several cups of fresh Basil, parsley, oregano and a few other things.

Then it is all cooked down for some time and canned up into pint jars. We made a double batch (10 quarts) and of course had some extra left over to make a great spaghetti dinner with the next night. So the garden is about done with only carrots, a ton of hot and mild peppers and more tomatoes. We hope to can up some hot peppers in olive oil Friday night and Brenda is going to show her friend how to make Salsa next week.

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